Skin, Ear & Allergy Care

ear care

The most common medical ailments that our pets suffer from is infection or inflammation of the skin and ears. The most common cause is allergies.

Allergies can be to food, the environment, or to parasites such as fleas. Allergies are itchy often present in the form of licking/chewing of the feet or various parts of the body, hair loss, scabs or wounds from self-trauma and infection, and ear infections of various degrees. 

 Medications can help the symptoms and make your pet feel better, but the best way to manage future problems is to determine the cause. This can be challenging and requires a process of elimination from forms of infection or ingredients in food. 

While we often cannot change the environment, allergy blood testing can be helpful to identify environmental allergens. Various allergy management treatments are available and vary depending on each case.


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Murrieta Office

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Closed Temporarily - Will reopen for Saturdays at a later date



Murrieta Office

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Closed Temporarily - Will reopen for Saturdays at a later date